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Privacy policy

Privacy is important to us and it is our policy to respect yours when collecting information via our website.

This privacy policy outlines how That Funny Agency stores, uses, maintains, and discloses information collected from users of the www.thatfunnyagency.com website, and it applies to this site and all products and services offered by That Funny Agency and its partner companies.

The key principles we follow are:

  1. Transparency – so you know what information we hold and how we use it
  2. Purpose – we only use data to help with your inquiry and enhance our services
  3. Minimization – we only collect the data we need to help you
  4. Accuracy – we make every effort to ensure your data is correct and up-to-date
  5. Storage Limitation – we don’t keep your information any longer than we need to
  6. Integrity – we keep your data safe from unlawful and unauthorized use
  7. Accountability – we regularly monitor that we fulfill the above

Our policy is as follows:

Personal information we collect

When joining our newsletter, filling out a form, or using our site’s services and features, we may collect personal data, such as name, address, and email address, but no financial or credit card details are saved. You can opt out of giving your data and use our site anonymously.

Non-personal information we collect

When you visit www.thatfunnyagency.com, no personal data is disclosed unless you fill out one of our online forms. However, we may gather non-personal user data during site interaction, including browser details, computer type, and technical information about connections such as operating systems and internet service providers, among others.

How we use collected information

That Funny Agency may collect and use users’ information for the following purposes:

  • To fulfill an inquiry or order.
  • To improve our site, products, and services.
  • To send periodic emails.

By joining our mailing list, you’ll receive emails with news, updates, and related information about our site. To unsubscribe or update your preferences, follow the instructions at the bottom of each email. We check regularly for continued interest in receiving emails from us.

When and how we share collected information

We work with carefully selected service providers to handle your requests and orders. These partners may store information or send emails to our contacts. We only share personal data their services might need.

How we protect collected information

We use firewalls and data encryption to protect collected information. Our website address, starting with ‘https,’ means secure communication with encrypted data transmission. Access to information is restricted to employees who require it for their job responsibilities.

We have obtained the Cyber Essentials Certification for requirements from June 2014, which covers a sensible baseline of requirements such as Internet-facing infrastructure, including firewalls, routers, end-user devices, and hosted systems.


To enhance user experience, our website uses cookies, small files stored on your computer’s hard drive, which collect your personal information. We use the following types of cookies:


  • Strictly necessary cookies help our website work. If turned off, the functionality of the site might be affected.
  • Analytical/performance cookies, which record the number of users on our website and how they move around it, ensure users can easily find what they are looking for. We use Google Analytics to understand and store usage information. Google’s privacy policy is available here: https://policies.google.com/privacy
  • Functionality cookies recognize you when you return to our website and enable us to personalize our content for you and remember your preferences.
  • Targeting cookies record your visit to our site, the pages you visit, and the links you follow, to help us meet your interests better. We may also share the data with third parties for this purpose. 

You can always choose to reject cookies, but this could affect some features of our website.

Third-party websites

Our site may contain links to third-party websites or services, but we do not control their content or practices, nor are responsible for any websites linked to or from our site. Your interaction with these external sites is subject to the respective terms and policies of said sites.